Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Again with a short blurb. Sorry. Blogging is not the foremost concern on my mind. Of more pressing concern is the current whereabouts of somewhere around 8,000 gallons of liquid. You see, I got really thirsty after an elementary school visit the other day, so I stopped by a 7-11 and got some things to drink. 4 waters bottles, 1 carton of chocolate milk, and 1 jug of aquarius (like gatorade) later, I was still thirsty. I tried to hold off drinking after 8pm because whenever I so much as look at liquid after 8pm, I get up at 2am and 4 am to complete a vital part of the water cycle. However, I was so thirsty that I couldn't stop myself from drinking about 3 water bottles worth of water between 8pm and 11pm. I went to sleep, but left the door to the bedroom open, figuring that I would be pretty much living in the bathroom that night. Frighteningly enough, I slept through the night and woke up refreshed at 7am. And with a surprisingly empty-feeling bladder. And no, I did not wet the bed, thank you very much. Skip forward to today (1 and 1/2 days later). Without going into too much detail, I have to say that I haven't been spending quite the amount of quality time with the porcelin god that I was expecting. I seriously have to wonder where all that liquid went. Maybe one of my legs is hallow? Maybe I've been sweating WAY more than I thought? Maybe a black hole is forming in my stomach? Any way you look at it, it's got to be effecting my mind. Why else would I inform everyone I know via my blog that I haven't gone potty enough? I'm sure I won't hear about this from my mom when I come home.

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