Sunday, March 16, 2008

Another Quick Update

You know it's been a good birthday when...
it takes you 30 minutes to email replies to everyone who wished you a happy birthday
the weather is over 50 degrees and you don't have to use your heater for once
you battle your apartment back to a state of semi-ungrossness
you finish a horrible, boring, upsetting class before your birthday and never have to do it again
you watch a good movie
you have time for a nap

On Signs
So I've been gaining weight lately. And I know this for a fact. I'm not like one of those girls who gain 1/8 of a pound and start complaining to their friends and saying, "I'm such a pig!!! I'm never eating food again!" I've seriously gained a bit of weight. And I've taken proactive steps recently by buying a treadmill. But I still buy dessert that I know I probably shouldn't because it just makes me fatter. But just the other day, I got a big hint that I really need to start losing weight. I went to the store desperately wanting something chocolate-y. So I bought a chocolate pudding pastry. And to go with it, I bought a chocolate latte. And since it's been warming up lately, I decided to get an ice cream bar in case I wanted something cold later in the week. Feeling a little guilty, I went to the register, where I received a clear sign from above. When the cashier rang up my healthy purchases, I looked at the register to see my total. Much to my dismay, my dessert total was 666 yen. Now, if that isn't a sign that I'm supposed to lose weight, I don't know what is.

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