Is it wrong that I laughed at this one?

Pizza. Who can mess up pizza? It's dough with stuff on it.
Stuff indeed. The upper pizza, as you can see, has broccoli, corn, potato salad, red peppers, and soggy bacon. Yummy.
The pizza here sports mushrooms, soggy bacon, corn, and red and green peppers, all topped with mayonnaise. What's that? You say it looks like there's scrambled eggs on that pizza? Don't be silly. Japanese pizza isn't THAT weird. That's actually egg salad. You silly people. Who would put SCRAMBLED eggs on a pizza? That's just gross.
The next two are from the school lunch Junior high school students and teachers get everyday. In Japanese, it's called "kyushoku", but the ALTs have lovingly renamed it "Spewshoku". Because it rhymes. And we're clever like that. Get it? Yeah, we have too much time on our hands.
Everyday, my kyushoku usually consists of milk, a bread loaf or bowl of rice, a bowl of soup or something, and some kind of meat (or fish - Japanese people classify meat and fish separately) and vegetable. This is a fairly typical school lunch. You will notice the tiny albino hot dogs. Scary, gross, and disgusting. I think they're actually made of fish. The lunch pictured below is second only to the lunch with the pasta, bread, and potato salad with soggy bacon. It's CARBtastic!
Here are the mysterious hot dog things again, tossed in a salad of boiled seaweed, cabbage, and corn. Looks like it's already been eaten, doesn't it?
All I can say is that you people can never call me a picky eater again.
A few years back some of the staff here were served pizza topped with mayonnaise instead of cheese. They ran out and thought it wouldn't make much of a difference, apparently it did.
Though, that's not quite as intentional as those seem to be. Eeee.
Now that is truly disgusting. Only someone without tastebuds could even begin to imagine that swapping mayo and cheese wouldn't make a difference.
The pizzas I showed have cheese - the mayonnaise is just "drizzled" over the top for an artistic effect.
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